How does FDA registration work? If we express why FDA registration is necessary before the subject: In accordance with the bioterrorism law, all US and foreign food companies that manufacture, produce, pack or store animal and human food for consumption in the USA must register with the FDA. Products imported from companies that do not register with FDA will be taken to the USA at the transit port and will not be allowed to enter the USA.
Information required during registration; the name, address of the company (and the parent company, if any), the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the telephone number, the owner of the company or authorized representative, all the commercial titles used by the company, the product categories subject to the operation, the statement that the information conveyed by the person who filled the form is true and correct, foreign The name, address, phone number of the US representative of the companies and the phone number of the US representative or another designated person in order to be reached in case of emergency. Apart from this mandatory information, other information may be provided on request.
Food, baby food, drinks, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and eggs, fish and seafood, uncooked agricultural products used as food, bakery products, canned and frozen foods, cookies and candies (chewing gum including), live food animals, pets, animal food and food.
In accordance with the relevant regulation, houses that are processed or manufactured, packaged or stored and used as residences, organizations that distribute non-bottled drinking water, farms, transport vehicles carrying food, retail food businesses (such as markets), restaurants, non-profit food companies, fishing gear, poultry, meat and egg companies inspected by the US Department of Agriculture are not required to register.
If a food product manufactured, packaged or stored by a foreign company is imported to the United States through another foreign company, the first foreign company is not obliged to register, but if the second company only carries out a small amount of activity (such as sticking labels) must also register.