It is the short spelling of ISO 'International Organization for Standardization', that is, it is a quality management system standard established by the international standardization organization. ISO was established on February 23, 1947 in order to provide international standardization. ISO currently operates with the participation of national standards bodies from 135 countries (one member from each country with equal voting rights); It continues to accelerate international exchange of goods and services in order to develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activities.
On the other hand, different standards developed for similar technologies in different countries or regions are sometimes used as "technical barriers to trade". Here, the most important function of ISO today is to eliminate such technical barriers to trade by preparing internationally accepted standards such as ISO 9000 quality management standards and other product standards.
It is a standard that defines an effective quality management system. When the organization meets the requirements of this standard, it can obtain the ISO 9001 certificate. The certificate shows that the products and services of the organization are produced in accordance with an internationally accepted standard. The standard was developed by the International Organization of Standardization (IOS), which is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and has more than 90 member countries.