ASTM F2003-02 Accelerated aging test; n=14 days ofaging periodAccelerated aging test according to ASTM F2003; up to=10 samples (maximum volume 3l).
ISO 14243-1: set-up (n=3 + 1 soak control) Total Knee Replacement wear testSet-up costs and administrative fees. Fixation of thefemoral components and tibial trays. Presoaking of thePE components. Design and manufacture of implantadapters needed for testing. Adjustment offlexion/extension axis of the femoral component to therotation axis of the test frame.
ISO 14243-1: Knee simulator (n=3 + 1 soak control / 1Mio)Knee simulator wear test. N= 3 specimens + 1 soakcontrol. Simulation of physiological loads:Axial force / a-p force/tensional moment according toISO 14243-1. Determination of wear by gravimetricmeasurement according to ISO 14243-2 including soakcontrol.
Particle analysis ISO 17853 (Polyethylene): Set-up/ReportSet-up costs including administrative fees and report generation for analysis according to ISO 17853
Particle analysisISO 17853 (Polyethylene), n=1Analysis of wear particles according to ISO17853.Chemical preparation of the test fluid. Micro filtration up to 0.05μm. SEM of the filters. Image analysis andstatistical analysis of the wear particles.